Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas mohon bantuannya, sertakan langkah penyelesaiannya cesarwilliamsonulv – March 27, 2023
gerakan tolak peluru pada saat melepaskan bola dinamakan ...A. lemparanB. MenangkapC. MengoperD. membuang cesarwilliamsonulv – March 17, 2023
sebuah dinding berbentuk persegi panjang dan panjangnya 72 atau 4 m dan lebar 579 m Maka luas dinding tersebut adalah cesarwilliamsonulv – March 13, 2023
PPKn Sekolah Menengah Atas siapa yg mengetik naskah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia? cesarwilliamsonulv – March 10, 2023
PPKn Sekolah Menengah Pertama apa-apa saja yang termasuk perundang-undangan cesarwilliamsonulv – March 10, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas sebuah logam dipanaskan hingga 150°K bila ditanyakan dalam.A.farenhiet (°F)B.reamur (°R)C.celcius (°C) cesarwilliamsonulv – March 09, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas tolong ya kak ini besok dikumpulin cesarwilliamsonulv – March 09, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Bananas are found in tropical regions of the world where the climate provides plentiful rain and many hours of sunshine for most of the year.This enables bananas to be grown and picked all year round.The majority of the bananas eaten in the UK are improted from the Windward Island in the Caribbean. Banana plants grow from a small root to a heigth of about three meters. They produce suckers,one of which is allowed to grow to its full size and bears the fruit.These fruits start by growing downwards before they grow up towards the sun in large bunches.A fully grown bunch can weigh up to thirty-five kilos ,the bananas at the bottom being smaller than those nearer the top. As the bunches develop,the plants must be supported by stakes to prevent them from breaking or toppling over. Bananas are very easily damaged and consequently great care must be taken when they are harvested. They are picked by hand before they are fully ripe, as they continue to ripen after harvesting. These green bananas are carefully transported to a packing station where they are washed,treadted,and labeled so their origin can be traced. Bananas are easily peeled and digested, and contain important trace minerals as well as all the benefits of fresh fruit. They provide a quick, convenient yet healthy energy boost and are consequently popular with athletes and tennis players .in fact, bananas are the UK's favourite fruit - we eat more of them each year than any other fruit.tolong tuliskan kata kerja teks di atas. terimakasih cesarwilliamsonulv – March 07, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama jika ingin membuat soal perbandingan dan juga selisih, dengan:total umur:26umur adik. :11 tahunumur abang:15 tahun.harus dengan ?:?dan harus dengan pengerjaannya dan juga langsung soalnya. cesarwilliamsonulv – March 06, 2023
Seni Sekolah Dasar Apa arti/maksud dri "PUNTUNGAN" dalam lagu Ondel-Ondel? cesarwilliamsonulv – March 06, 2023
B. Arab Sekolah Menengah Atas Penankan pernyataan penyataan berikut 1. Sebagai sumber ajaran hukum Islam yang utama 2. Sebagai penyempurna kitab kitab sebelumnya 3. Sebagai pengontrol dan pengoreksi terhadap ajaran-ajaran masa 4 Menetapkan hukum yang belum terdapat dalam al-Qur'an 5. Mengukuhkan hukum yang telah ada dalam al Qur'an Pernyatan di atas yang merupakan fungsi dari al-Qur'an adalah.... A 1,2 dan 3 b 1,2 dan 4 C 2,3 dan 4 d 2,3 dan 5 cesarwilliamsonulv – March 06, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama The following dialog is for numbers 1 and 2. Alma: What a beautiful sunset! Tama: It is. Let's take a picture of it.Alma: I don't think my picture will be as good as yours. The camera of my smartphone has lower resolution than yours. Tama: 0,come on. You just bought a new smartphone and it has high resolution, doesn't it? Alma: It does, but I left it at home. I bring my old one. Tama: I see. 1. The dialog occurs when............ 2. The camera resolution of Tama's smartphone is..................than that of Alma's old phone. The following text is for numbers 3 to 5. From a distance, frogs and toads look the same. They have short, rigid bodies, a wide head, two hind legs, and two front arms. However, if you look closer, you'll notice there are distinct differences to tell the two species apart. True frogs have moist and smooth skin. The true toad skin is dry and rough, with warts covering its body. Toads do not have any teeth, while the frog has teeth in the upper jaw. The toad also has shorter hind legs in comparison to the frog. Also, a frog's eyes stick out farther than the toad's. The toad lives on land, mainly in fields, woods, and gardens. On the other hand, frogs live in water, mainly in streams and ponds. Some subspecies live in rainforests. However, a frog needs to keep its skin wet so it will live near a water source. While a toad is nocturnal and sleeps throughout the day, the frog is active in the daytime and at night. Both animals are solitary, although the toad will live in groups when it hibernates and during mating. 3. The text is about.............. 4. A frog's hind leg is............than the toad's.5. A frog usually lives near a water source because............... tolong di bantu ya kak cesarwilliamsonulv – March 05, 2023
Biologi Sekolah Menengah Pertama mengapa kita tidak boleh menggunakan pakaian dalam yang ketat? cesarwilliamsonulv – March 05, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama شدید Rohman membaca alig hususnya pada huruf yang bergaris bawah dengan memanjangkan 4 harokat sedangkan Ali membaca dengan memanjangkan 2 harokat saja, kemudian Mahmud menegur keduanya, kata mahmud, bacaan itu harus dipanjangkan 3 harokat. dan Amien mengatakan bisa dibaca dengan 3 cara 2.4.6 harokat. Dari pernyataan-pernyataan diatas, yang merupakan cara membaca paling benar adalah.... A. RohmanB. AliC. MahmudD. Amien cesarwilliamsonulv – March 04, 2023
Bahasa lain apakah usaha waralaba dapat dikembangkan untuk pengolahan hasil perkebunan di indonesia cesarwilliamsonulv – March 02, 2023